Front cover image for Mass uprisings in the USSR : protest and rebellion in the post-Stalin years

Mass uprisings in the USSR : protest and rebellion in the post-Stalin years

Basing his work on research in police, procuracy, KGB and party archives, Vladimir A. Kozlov traces the historical context and sequences of events leading up to mass protest in Russia. He explores the demographic and psychological dynamics of the situation and the reactions of the authorities.
Print Book, English, ©2002
M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, N.Y., ©2002
xix, 351 pages ; 24 cm.
9780765606679, 9780765606686, 0765606674, 0765606682
Mastering new territories in Kazakhstan and Siberia: the crisis of modernization and the heritage of the Gulag in the 1950s
Unrest in the military: solders' riots and disorders
Violent ethnic conflicts in the Virgin Lands
The return of the deported nations to the Northern Caucasus: the 1958 riots in Grozny
Political disturbances in Georgeia after the APSU twentieth party congress
A hooligan's war or battles on the margins: uprisings of marginalized urban masses
Orthodoxy in revolt: uprisings among religious believers
The early 1960s: symptoms of a social-political crisis
Krsnodar, RSFSR, January 15-16, 1961
101 kilometers from Moscow: disorders in Murom and Aleksandrov, RSFSR
Biisk 1961 or the uprising on market day, June 25, 1961
The Phenomenon of Novocherkassk: part one
The phenomenon of Novocherkassk: Part two
Rear-guard battles of the late Khrushchev era. Social unrest and symptoms of decay in the Brezhnev years
Translated from the Russian